We’re excited to announce that tech21’s cases for the latest Google Pixel range of phones are now on sale. We’ve had so many people asking when our covers for Pixel 5 cases would be available and you can find them all on tech21.com.
Whether you prefer a clear case for Pixel 5 or an Evo Check case for Pixel 4a, there is sure to be one to suit your tastes and needs. The completely clear Pixel 5 cover protects against scratches with a hygienic and self-healing formula, while the hugely popular Evo Check has a non-slip grip and extra levels of protection around the device’s camera lens so you can always capture that perfect moment.
We worked with Google directly to ensure that every function, port and signal – especially on our Pixel 4a 5G cases – works seamlessly as soon as you attach this case. We know the latest Google cases are made for the modern world and have ensured these cases protect them in as many ways as possible.