New Samsung Galaxy S23 Cases Have Landed
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High Impact Protection
Much more resistant than your average phone case material, FlexShock™ absorbs impact energy like no other.

Crystalline UV-Resistance
Our transparent cases contain an advanced UV Resistant formula that keeps them box fresh and crystal clear.
Explore Tech21 Protection for the S23 Series
About Our Products

Impact Protection
From molecular recipes to lab-testing new material ingredients and formulations, everything we do with our material science is centred around developing the most advanced impact protection you can buy for your devices.

Our planet needs protecting just as much as your tech does, and from the material development stage through to manufacture, we keep sustainability at the heart of what we do, whether it’s our recyclable packaging or our lab-tested bio-spice innovations.

Design innovation
As we design all our products in-house, we are always looking for simpler, more sustainable, and just better ways of doing things. From multifunctionality, camera shields, antimicrobial features and more, we’re always looking for ways to innovate.